On Friday, April 12, the Ursuline Alumnae Association was thrilled to welcome 70+ alumnae onto campus for our biannual student career day. Kelly Suntrup Stumpe ’12 and Lizz Suntrup St. John ’13, a.k.a. The Car Mom, began the day as our keynote speakers. Together they spoke about how their Ursuline education followed them throughout their careers and how it continues to influence their leadership and mission still to this day. After the keynote session, each of our students attended two different panel sessions led by alumnae professionals in similar fields. This way students had the opportunity to hear from several possible career paths within the same field of interest.
This opportunity to engage with and partner with our alumnae is presented to our students biannually so that every student can participate in two days throughout their four years dedicated to their personal career exploration. Additionally, throughout their time at Ursuline, students explore careers through meetings with their counselor, class, and school presentations, as well as opportunities for making valuable connections through our alumnae network.
“The resources/opportunities I had available to me at Ursuline had a direct impact on my college and career path. I love that I can support those same opportunities now as an alumna and participate in Career Day.”
– Elizabeth Trn ’19
Structural Dynamics Engineer at Boeing
The five topics/sessions with the highest student interest were: Healthcare, Business, Nursing, Marketing and Law Careers. During each session, our panel of alumnae would discuss their unique career path and then they had an open discussion together about the similarities and differences amongst the group. Students were also encouraged to ask questions, often influencing the flow of conversation and allowing for enriching dialog that got to the heart of career exploration.
“I spoke in the Health Care section as part of my company, Martha’s Hands Home Care Services. I showed the students how we provide entry-level Caregiver experiences combined with Shadow Day opportunities for post-high school students. These experiences can either enhance and launch their healthcare career or provide some perspective that healthcare may not be the career for them. Love connecting with the next generation of women leaders!”
– Denis Hedrick Huber ’87
Co-Founder/Co-Owner: Marth’s Hands Home Care Services
The day was a great success, resulting in feedback from students who shared that they learned something new about career paths that they previously weren’t considering. Alumnae also were invited to take part in a networking happy hour after the student portion, to continue to foster the valuable connections made during the sessions and contribute to each participant’s professional network.
We are so grateful to our alumnae, our Counseling Department and the Alumnae Association for working to make this day of exploration possible for our students and for investing in our student’s futures.