
Annual Partnership Program 

Invest in our school community and reach our Ursuline audience with your message!

Our Annual Partnership Program allows community members to support Ursuline's three largest fundraising events and our annual giving program The Ursuline Fund through one donation. 
Your commitment signals your family’s belief in Ursuline Academy’s mission, and if you own a business, there is an additional benefit of prominent exposure to Ursuline’s extensive network through event marketing materials and promotions. If you would like to support a specific event, we have also highlighted some key event sponsor opportunities available for the 2024-2025 school year.

For any questions, please contact Devin Hallahan Mueller '98 at (314) 984-2811 or

Active UA Alumnae

Social media reach

Community Emails Reach

Annual Sponsor Levels

Premier Sponsorship - $15,000
$13,400 tax deductible

Exclusives at Auction

  • Premier table for 10, with VIP perks and VIP parking
  • Name and Logo on printed invitations
  • Prime full page color auction catalog ad

Exclusives at Golf Classic

  • 1 Foursome and VIP gift
  • Prime Hole Sponsor signage
  • Opportunity to provide logo merchandise for gift bags

Exclusives at Trivia Night

  • Premier table with VIP perks for 8
  • Round sponsor

Elite Sponsorship - $10,000
$8,640 tax deductible

Exclusives at Auction

  • Premier table for 10 with VIP perks
  • Full page color auction catalog ad

Exclusives at Golf Classic

  • 1 Foursome
  • Prime Hole Sponsor signage

Exclusives at Trivia Night

  • Table for 8 to play
  • Round Sponsor

Signature Sponsorship - $5,000
$4,400 tax deductible

Exclusives at Auction

  • Table for 10
  • Full B/W auction catalog ad

Exclusives at Golf Classic

  • Prime hole sponsor signage

Exclusives at Trivia Night

  • Round Sponsor

Support Sponsorship - $2,500
$2,250 tax deductible

Exclusives at Auction

  • Tickets for 4
  • Half page B/W
    auction catalog ad

Exclusives at Golf Classic

  • Prime hole sponsor signage

Exclusives at Trivia Night

  • Round Sponsor

Friend Sponsorship - $1,500
$1,000 tax deductible

Exclusives at Auction

  • Tickets for 2
  • Half page B/W
    auction catalog ad

Exclusives at Golf Classic

  • Prime hole sponsor signage

Exclusives at Trivia Night

  • Round Sponsor

Event Sponsor Opportunities

Partner with Ursuline and engage with our event attendees. Event specific sponsors can expect the following perks based on their contribution.


Printing Sponsor - $10,000
• Premier table for 10, with VIP perks and parking
• Full page color catalog ad
• Name and Logo on printed invitations

Bid Paddle Sponsor - $7,500
• Name/logo on bid paddle
• Premier table for 10 with VIP perks
• Full page color catalog ad

Bar Sponsor - $5,000
• Four tickets with bar runner
• Signage on the bars
• Full page B/W catalog ad

Late Night Snack Sponsor - $1,500
• Signage on late night snack table
• Full page B/W catalog ad

VIP Gift Sponsor - $1,000
• Full page B/W catalog ad
• Recognition on gift

Golf Classic

Event Sponsor - $5,000
• Signage at welcome table and verbal recognition at the beginning of event
• Foursome and VIP gift
• Prime hole sponsor signage
• Opportunity to provide logo merchandise for players

Beverage Sponsor - $2,500
• Foursome
• Prime signage on beverage stations
• Prime hole sponsor signage

Birdie Sponsor - $1,500
• Foursome
• Prime hole sponsor signage

Hole Sponsor - $200
• Prime hole sponsor signage

Q&A at UA Trivia Night

Event Sponsor - $1,500 SOLD!
• Premier table with VIP perks for 8
• Signage at welcome table and verbal recognition at beginning of event

Bar Sponsor - $750
• Signage on bar
• Table of 8 and bar runner

Dessert Sponsor - $500
• Signage on dessert table
• Table of 8

Alumnae Garden Party

Event Sponsor - $1,000
• 4 tickets to the event
• Name/Logo on website, email invitation, and signage on the welcome table

Flower Bar Sponsor - $500
• 2 tickets to the event
• Name/Logo on website and flower bar night of event