Earlier in September, the Ursuline Academy Class of 2026 was officially welcomed into the Ursuline legacy through their Induction Ceremony. Since the pandemic, the ceremony has been shifted to take place outside in the back of campus in front of the St. Angela statue. As each student is called by name and receives her Ursuline pin, they form a “U” around the back circle, light their candles and sing the school song. The class together recites the pledge which ends with the words, “The candles we hold tonight symbolize God’s presence which inspires our work at Ursuline and enables us to make contributions to our communities now and in the future.” Ursuline Academy honors the unique, God-given talents of every young woman and works to assure that each student, feeling the acceptance and support of a loving community, grows to see herself as a strong and competent contributor to her world, and is echoed in this special night. This tradition of Freshman Induction has stood the test of time, and has been a part of the Ursuline experience for over 50 years and now this year a new element to the ceremony was introduced.
To conclude the ceremony this year students walked to our Tapestry Garden and each rang our historic bell that has been refurbished onto a new stand as part of the updates to the Tapestry Garden. As the Ursuline community began to celebrate our 150th anniversary in 1998, the Tapestry Garden was established and honors the historic 1926 bell, which once hung in the Merici Hall Bell tower. It commemorated the 150th milestone, and the generosity of generations as we look to our roots, remembering that within our growing Ursuline community, the weaving continues today. Ringing the bell symbolized the official start of each of their unique Ursuline journeys in addition to all the ways they will go on to impact the Ursuline legacy.
Congratulations to the Ursuline Academy Class of 2026!