
Ursuline Academy’s Memorial Mass

Unfortunately, due to the forecasted weather, Ursuline Academy's Memorial Mass
planned for Wednesday, February 12, has been postponed.

The new date will be Wednesday, November 5, 2025.

Join us in prayer on Wednesday, November 5, 2025, for our Memorial Mass at 7:00 p.m. as we remember members and family members of our Ursuline community who have entered into eternal rest. There will be a candlelight processional at the start of Mass.  You are welcome to bring a 4”x6” photo of your dearly departed. 

We invite those grieving the loss of a child through a miscarriage to join us in bringing them to peace amid their pain and sorrow.

A livestream of the Mass will be available for those who are unable to join us in person.
This Mass is sponsored by the Ursuline Academy Alumnae Association. 

An updated registration will be coming soon!

Heritage Society Members

We especially remember those members of the Heritage Society who have passed away. We are eternally grateful to those who have made arrangements that endure beyond their own lifetimes.

Mary Ann Truesdale Capellupo ’54
Mary Laughlin Federhofer ’62
Thelma Hartnett
Marie Boedges Minneman ’43
Martha Meredith Monahan ’62
James & Jane Reckamp Springgate ’49
Hildegarde Wardle
Ruth Ellen Wieder ’43

Join us in remembering
those who have
gone before us this year...

Mary Lou Ablen - 1969
Mary Kate Agniel
Shirley McVey Alexander - 1949

Shirley and Tom Angus
Jack Appelbaum

Eldon Arteaga
William Henry Appelbaum
June Conner Aydt - 1941
Jane Stoppelman Babbit - 1970

Nicolas Banks
Bennett Barton
John Bauer, Sr.
Margaret Baxendale

Josephine Migneco Beare - 1949
Zach Beihl
Michael Berra
Marjorie Biscan

Roseann Bobnar
Joann M. Boyer
Thomas Bradley, Jr.
Bob Brewer
Mary Helen Brindell

Shirley Greathouse Bucher
Nancy Voegler Burns - 1956
Lt. Col. Michael Caruso
George Casey
Vicki Carrico Challis - 1964
Elizabeth Zipfel Clamp - 1975

Betty Clark
Charles Clayton

Maryanna McMullen Coad - 1949
Sgt. Michael Conrad
Jackie Costello
Sarah Cowart
Christopher Coyle
Dolores Coyle
Richard Cummings

Michael Curran
Maria Cushman
Helen Deutschmann - 1948
Thomas Diehl
Henry Doherty
Sr. Paulette Ducharme, osu

Richard Dunne
Frances Schaeffer Ebers - 1940

Richard Enderle
Deborah Kieffer Epperson - 1974

Mary Michael "Mikie" Ettinger
John B. Everett
Lois Ann Feicht
Marie Feldmann

James J. Finn, III
Rita Fisher
Lawrence Joseph Fleming
Marilyn Raubach Flores - 1962
Deborah Tintera Frederick - 1964

Bobbie Hennessey Garland - 1962
Gus Garrett

Paul Garwitz
Laura Walchshauser Gehrung - 1950
Patrick Joseph Gibbons

Christine Gibbons
Elizabeth Halbruegger Goldkamp - 1950
Rita Flick Gonzalez - 1979

Mark Green
June Greer
Paula Griffith - 1971
Joseph Kent Guise
Patsy Guitreau

Raymond Guzman
Sr. Bridget Haase, osu
Domenica Haegele

Jane Hackett
Nancy Hall - 1972

Laurie Harp
Sandra Hartin
Carol Hornsey Helm - 1966
Molly Walsh Henroid - 2005
Angela Henske - 1990

Marilyn Henske

Jack Higgins
Anne Hegeman Hoffman - 1964
Debbie Gentemann Hoffman - 1968
Jane Kelly Hoffman - 1964

Larry Hogenkamp
Patrick Holley, Sr.
Sr. Mary Anne Holmes, osu
Mary Beth Logger Hopfinger - 1966
Rosemary Godar Ippolito - 1947 (Arcadia)

Elizabeth Irby
Susan Hummel Jackson - 1974

Sr. Jill Jaeb, osu
Elaine Richardson Kaufman - 1962
Peggy Freeman Kelleher - 1957

Sr. Madeline Kelly, osu
Wesley Kempfer
Anthony Killian
Irene Hughes Kincaid - 1960
Chuckie King
Charles R. Koenig, Sr.
Therese Krieger
JoAnn Kroenung - 1949

Eric Kuhlmann
Michael Kurtz
Amal Kweiter

Joel Kaske LaChance - 1964
Rosemary Michaelree Lakin - 1973
Joseph LaMartina
Carl Laws, Jr.

Deborah Layton
Joan Eichkorn Lee - 1962
Catherine Leisure

Peter Leverenz
Sr. Mary Ellen Lewis, fsm - 1951
Marian Loyd
Rita Grandy Lucas - 1963
Cpt. Gene Martin

Roberta Alberston Martin - 1957
Marianne Foshage Marx - 1950

Russ Marzorati
Gregory Massud, Jr.
Shirley Dulong McCaffrey - 1947
Bob Meyer
Jan Miles
Jack Milford
Marie Boedges Minneman - 1943
Doris Mitchell

Keith Monahan
Keith Morton
Diane Mounts

Thomas P. Mueller, Sr.
Marjorie Welek Murphy - 1942
Stephan Nash
Eleanor Young Newell - 1961
John Nieters
Ann Lamb O’Brien - 1946
Martha “Martie” Holloran O’Grady
Dr. David Ortbals
Rosemary Kaufmann Page - 1961
Eric Pauls

Gary Payne
Laura Jean Pelizzaro

Nancy Pfaender
Ruth Pinkley
Linda Quint Pivarnik - 1966
John Pollard

Eleanor McAuliffe Pons - 1947

Robert Pursley
Patricia Ann Palumbo Quinlan - 1963

Martin Ratermann

Marianne Rehm
Theodore Reigner
Marilyn Cass Renick - 1957
John “Jack” Riordan
Katie Roberts
Peggy Schilli Ross - 1953
Peggy Rotter

Barbara Bryan Sadowski - 1965
Alice Bresnan Sartori - Coyle
Larry Sartori

LaVerne Sauer
Carol Schaeffer

James Joseph Schmidt
Walter Schulte
Dan Sextro
Guy Sextro

Diane Sanders Sholler - 1962
Michael Wells Smalley
Donna McQuade Smith - 1969

Lorraine Smith
Jane Frances Harsy Smith - 1954

Lorraine Smith
Nancy Stanovsky
Ashley Harvey Steffens - 2010
Judy Klug Steiner - 1967
John Stewart
John Stockmann
Louella Linderer Stoll - 1951
Margaret Sullivan
Jane Venneman Sulze - 1954
Jim Sutterer
Terry Syron

Linda Jean Taylor Detardo - 1958
Michael Dooley Thomas

Marilyn Thompson - 1962
Sandy Urschel - 1960
Barbara Viehmann
Sam Vitale
Gail Walker
Katie Rose Walsh - 2003
William Walsh

Lillian Maureen Walsh
Alice McTigue Wendel - 1943
Ruth Irene Werkmeister - 1943

Stephen Werkmeister
Kathleen “Kaye” Laughlin West - 1960
Jean Whalen

Clifton W. Wilkerson
Christopher Windhorst

John Wooten
Dr. Michael Zapf, Jr.
Delbert Zerjav
Kathleen Ziegler
Dr. Matthew Ziemianski

Geraldine Zobel