
We encourage you to share your stories and help us spread the word to your family and friends by posting on your social media, tagging @UrsulineSTL, and using the hashtags #GivingTuesdayUA and #SupportingOurUALegacy.  You can also share the link to donate below if you wish in your post!

How Can I Make A Gift?

There are many ways to contribute and follow along with Ursuline this #GivingTuesday.

  • Give Online: Donate via our secure online system.
  • Call: (314) 984-2811 to make a gift to UA using your credit card.
  • Mail: Send in cash or a check to UA at: Ursuline Academy Giving Tuesday, 341 South Sappington Rd., St. Louis, MO 63122  --- Please note Giving Tuesday on the memo line.
  • Share: Follow along and share your story, gift, and post with the hashtag #GivingTuesdayUA, and tag us @ursulinestl on social media.

Please feel free to reach out with questions. Thank you for your support and all you do for Ursuline Academy!

#GivingTuesday 2023

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, from Midnight to 11:59 p.m. Ursuline Academy will participate in Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday is a national day of giving after the Thanksgiving holiday encouraging philanthropy and generosity. We ask our Ursuline community to make an investment in current and future Ursuline students on this day by showing your support and making a gift to UA.

Supporting the Legacy

As we reflect on 175 years of educating young women, we are reminded of Ursuline’s mission to provide a welcoming educational experience centered around the needs of each individual student. 

Please consider joining our entire Ursuline community, and make a contribution that honors the wonderful role that Ursuline continues to play in your life.

Learn More About the Ursuline Fund

Each year, the Ursuline community is asked to make a gift to the annual fund, named the Ursuline Fund, to provide the additional resources needed to strengthen and enhance the educational experience for every student and coworker. Strong support allows the Academy to immediately invest in the bright future of our young women. 

All contributions to the Ursuline Fund strengthen the quality of an Ursuline education. The funds continue to enrich our community by providing well-maintained learning environments, offering professional development opportunities for coworkers and students to expand knowledge and experiential learning opportunities, supporting students through scholarships and financial assistance and ongoing department enrichments such as technology upgrades and materials for coursework.