
Give Now

Thank you for investing in Ursuline Academy! Your support helps us meet the needs of today while planning and growing for the future.

For questions or assistance, please contact Annual Giving Coordinator, Devin Hallahan Mueller '98 at dmueller@ursulinestl.org or (314) 984-2811.

Want to learn about other opportunities to support UA?

Thank you for your gift and for giving me the opportunity to experience Ursuline. Ursuline has brought me so much joy and growth, and I would not be who I am today without Ursuline. 

- Ava Eiler ’24

Contact Us

Allison Oberkirsch, Director of Advancement
314-984-2814 | Email

Devin Hallahan Mueller '98, Annual Giving Coordinator
314-984-2811 | Email

In Gratitude to our 2024-2025 Annual Partners