
Ursuline's Father Daughter

Join us for the annual Father Daughter Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 8, 2025 hosted by the UA Fathers Club. This event will be at a new location this year, the Hilton Frontenac Plaza Hotel, and is open to all fathers, stepfathers, or father figures of the student’s choosing. No boyfriends. The evening will include dinner, a band with dancing, photos, special senior photos, and presentations. Mark your calendar and join us for a memorable evening with your daughter(s)!  

The purpose of the Fathers Club is to provide opportunities that provide a shared experience with our daughters to deepen our relationship and inspire all to be of service in our communities throughout our lives.  Revenue from the Fathers Club goes back to Ursuline Academy and its students through service projects and scholarship support to UA families.

Through the Fathers Club Scholarship, the Fathers Club provides compassionate support for any UA family that may suffer the loss of a parent during a student’s time at UA. We feel strongly that when a tragedy impacts one of our own, we should offer support and not allow that tragedy to negatively impact the student’s ability to continue her education at UA. If you would like to donate to the Fathers Club Scholarship, you can do so while you are registering for this event.

Ursuline is committed to ensuring every student has the opportunity to be a part of the community and the ability to participate in community events if you are unable to attend due to financial circumstances, please contact Events and Stewardship Coordinator Tiffany Warriner at twarriner@uruslinestl.org or 314-984-2863.

Registration for this event will open on Monday, November 18, 2024.

Saturday, February 8, 2025
6:00 - 10:00 p.m.

$75.00 per person

Hilton St. Louis Frontenac Hotel
1335 S. Lindbergh Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63131

Father Daughter 
Dinner Dance chairs:
Bob Starke (father of Gretchen ’25) and Miles Williams (father of Ellen ’25) at fathersclub@ursulinestl.org
or Events and Stewardship Coordinator Tiffany Warriner at twarriner@uruslinestl.org