Ursuline Academy is thrilled to share the 2024 recipient of the Archbishop May Service Award – Olivia Whitlock! Each year this award is given by the Office of Catholic Education and Formation to a senior from each of the Catholic high schools in the archdiocese to recognize the outstanding leadership and community service shown through their actions.
This year, the 2024 class of recipients had the opportunity to attend a Service Reflection Day, in which they were able to connect with their fellow students from around the Archdiocese of St. Louis who share a commitment to service while reflecting on their commitment to service and the meaning it has for their faith life. They then also had the opportunity to hear from and speak with current college students about how and why they are involved in service through their college campus or even on their own, one of which being Leah Anderson, ’22, Ursuline’s past Archbishop May recipient.
Olivia has a passion for working with the poor and vulnerable which is evident in her volunteer efforts at local food pantries like Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Vincent Depaul. She also spent a week of her summer at the Mustard Seed Communities in Jamaica where she helped people who were mentally and physically disabled. She helped them meet their basic needs and she also did service work around the community. Olivia spent her junior service project at Neuwoehner School- Special School District, where she worked with children who were non-verbal. Her compassion and gentle spirit are two of the many gifts that she shared with the students.
She is a faithful member of Sacred Heart’s Youth Ministry program and is extremely active in her parish community. She is a member of the LifeTeen Leadership Board, leads Luke 18 retreats every year, and helps with various parish events like Breakfast with Santa and VBS. Olivia’s energy and enthusiasm is contagious and her ability to connect with children is a true gift!
Oliva is an outstanding example of Serviam, and Ursuline Academy is proud of her service and achievements.