Ursuline Academy is thrilled to announce the 2023 recipient of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Model of Justice Award as Amelia Raible ’23! The St. Charles Lwanga Center, in conjunction with the Archdiocese of St. Louis, annually presents this award to students who demonstrate a commitment to serving humanity in the broader community.
Mia, was recognized alongside 21 local high school seniors during the 47th annual Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King’s birth and legacy.
Mia has always had a passion for social justice and doing all she can to bring awareness to difficult topics. She strives to use her privilege to help the disadvantaged and to do her part to change the system of inequality in this society of ignorance. She is a humble leader who is committed to leading by example and serving with her whole heart. Mia values and embraces diversity as she respects the uniqueness of everyone she meets. Much like our founderess, St. Angela Merici, Mia is not afraid to be creative and bold while seeking to build relationships rooted in mutual love and respect.
She has been an active member of Ursuline Academy’s Leadership for Diversity Team for three years. This organization’s focus is on raising awareness among our student body and community around the issues of racism, sexism, classism, and religion. As a member of this team, she has helped lead and facilitate the freshman, sophomore, and junior diversity days as well as chairing the senior diversity day focusing on embracing diversity in college and beyond.
We are so proud of Amelia for her leadership in living out our Ursuline values and all the ways she lives out the virtue of justice! We hope you will join us in congratulating her!